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 WinSetupFromUSB, v1.10

Nov 28 2015, 22:46
Пост #1

Благодарности: 844922

Репутация:   2319  
0day Releaser

Группа: Модеры
Сообщений: 7 219
С нами с: 3-April 09

WinSetupFromUSB v1.6 Final

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• updated imdisk package for compatibility with latest Windows 10 versions
• Added Windows 10 in all GUI elements
• Fixed missing EFI boot menu for Windows 10 sources (Note: Windows 10 – single ISOs created by Microsoft Media Creation Tool or downloaded from Microsoft should work. Dual ISOs made by the same tool (x32 and x64 in a single ISO) are NOT supported yet due to the changed structure. Such source can still be added using the previous versions which dump entire contents as they are, 1.0 beta8 for example. Limitations- such source needs to be added first, and any other sources of the same type,but not the same x32+x64, has to be added using 1.6 beta 2 or later.)
• Added support for Windows Vista/7/8 and above sources larger than 4 GB and FAT32 for EFI compatibility- credits. In other words, now is possible to use FAT32 formatted USB drive and add larger than 4 GB source, say Windows 10, to be able to boot in EFI mode. As this is new feature not yet fully tested, the first version is released as a beta. Any feedback is appreciated.
• added Windows 10 support
• small bug fixes
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Всего поблагодарили: 166 чел.
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Aug 10 2016, 18:13
Пост #2

Благодарности: 844922

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0day Releaser

Группа: Модеры
Сообщений: 7 219
С нами с: 3-April 09

WinSetupFromUSB v1.7 Final

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• disabled superfloppy check due to issues with latest Windows 10 builds
• increased input timeouts to 45 seconds
• fixed issue with Swedish locale and bcdedit
• added check if imdisk is an old version
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Всего поблагодарили: 194 чел.
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Nov 8 2021, 16:16
Пост #3

Благодарности: 844922

Репутация:   2319  
0day Releaser

Группа: Модеры
Сообщений: 7 219
С нами с: 3-April 09

WinSetupFromUSB v1.10 Final

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• Windows 11 support
• added detection of higher Windows 10 build numbers for the boot menu names
• Removed file spit infobox if ISO file needs to be split
• Increased warning for large disks selection to > 64 GB
• minor bug fixes
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Всего поблагодарили: 65 чел.
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Сейчас: 2nd February 2025 - 14:51
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